meet the team

Chiropractor Papillion NE Rodney White


Rodney White D.C.


My passion for helping people find solutions to their pain and suffering...

After originally beginning in practice in my hometown of Sydney, Australia in 2005, my wife Melanie and I took over Sarpy Chiropractic in January 2011. Since then we have been focusing on delivering the best possible standards of Chiropractic care and customer service that we can.

It is our responsibility to offer hope to those people in Papillion and the surrounding communities that have been frustrated by pain that has interfered with what they love to do, or who have not had the success they desired with other medical treatments. Rather than pushing our own agenda, our practice is based 100% on our patients’ health needs and goals.

I have always been passionate about delivering “patient centered” solution based care that lets go of the doctor’s agenda and serves the patient’s health goals. Unfortunately this seems to be rare in Chiropractic and the other health care fields. It’s not about the doctor - it’s about YOU and what problem you need solved. I am passionate about a business model that makes health care hassle-free, affordable, and accessible. I know that we need to accommodate people’s hectic lifestyles by having appointments available when they want them and NOT keeping them hostage in our clinic with lengthy waiting times. I don’t believe anyone should be locked in on lengthy care plans. The relationships we create with our patients must be win-win.

While I have seen Chiropractic get some amazing results for people and get them back in control of their lives, I do understand that Chiropractic can’t always help everyone, so I will always refer someone to the appropriate health care provider if their condition dictates this need.

If you are looking for a solution and you think that we might be able to help, please give us a call and see if we can help you get control of your life again. You do not need to continue suffering needlessly with pain.

What else about me?

I have been a Chiropractic patient since I was 4 years old. I stay healthy by eating a clean diet, exercising in some capacity every day, and getting regular adjustments to keep my nervous system functioning at its best. I live right here in Papillion so you will often see me throughout the community. I enjoy being outdoors, playing golf, watching sports, and traveling to new places and trying new foods and restaurants with my wife and daughter.

Below are some of the accreditations and specializations I have achieved over the last 14 years as a Chiropractor:

  • Certified ART® Provider
  • Corrective Exercise and Rehabilitation Specialist, accredited by the National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • Performance Enhancement Specialist, accredited by the National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • Diplomate, American Academy of Medical Legal Professionals
  • MRI Spine Interpretation, Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  • Personal Injury Post Doctorate Degree, CMCS Post Doctorate Division
  • Advanced Pediatric Neurology and Adjusting
  • Post Doctorate Sports Biomechanical Assessment and Diagnosis
Chiropractor Papillion NE Justin Brazda


Justin Brazda D.C.


I grew up just a stone's throw away in Bellevue. I graduated from Bellevue West High School and earned my undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. After completing my degree at Palmer College of Chiropractic, in Davenport, Iowa, I was thrilled to come home. Not only did I grow up here but this is where I discovered what this great profession has to offer.

Much like many of the people we see day-to-day, my family turned to chiropractic as a last resort. At the age of ten, I unexpectedly began having intense migraines. One moment I’d be running at recess, the next I’d be lying in a dark nurse's office with a pounding headache. Specialist after specialist, scan after scan, but no one could offer why a seemingly healthy young kid was having such severe pain. At one point, a neurosurgeon offered two options: exploratory surgery or try a chiropractor. Luckily my parents chose the latter, and my life was transformed by their decisions.

As I went on in school, I knew helping people in pain was my calling. My passion is to find a way to allow people to function optimally, without jumping directly to medications or surgery.

Decades later and I am still thankful for what opportunities I had because I saw a chiropractor as a child. After months of chiropractic care my headaches went away. I was a whole new person without a limitation I never thought I’d be rid of.

I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you who seeks our help!

Chiropractor Millard NE Tim Sullivan


Tim Sullivan D.C.


Here’s something many Omaha residents may not know about me. It altered the course of my life and is a big reason why I am committed to giving back.

She called me in tears; tears of pain and fear; telling me she could not turn her head and every movement hurt. Her dad had made an appointment with a Chiropractor but she had never been before and was terrified.

Her neck hurt so badly that she could not imagine anyone even touching it, let alone trying to fix it. She was scared that this would continue to happen her entire life. And here she was, 20 years old thinking “I’m too young to have back and neck pain!” She looked to me for comfort or even some assurance that she was not permanently broken. I had been adjusted by a Chiropractor hundreds of times before. I have been a Chiropractic patient since I was old enough to run around the soccer field as a little boy. I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t have a terrible experience that finally led me to Chiropractic.

So that’s why it was so hard for me to convey how much hope there was for her because it was nearly impossible for her to hear anything over the pain. The hardest piece of all was how dear this woman was to me. And still is. She taught me a lesson about the power of fear and even more importantly the amazing things that can come from overcoming it.

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions we experience as humans. It is an important, yet debilitating emotion because it’s an instinct that keeps us alive, but in so many ways prevents us from doing things that are really incredible.

The long story short is yes, she did get help, and yes, I married that girl! She is the mother of our two beautiful kids and the support I needed to pursue my passion to become a chiropractor. I wonder how truly different things would have been if her dad had not made that appointment for her. How would things have turned out if she tried to wait out the pain and let fear control her decision?

It is strange as a Chiropractor to think how much I take what we do for granted. I have always been able to rely on chiropractic to keep me healthy. So that’s why I want to give back. I don’t want you suffering needlessly like my wife did. People who are in pain that is controlling their lives need to know about Sarpy Chiropractic.

Yours in health,

Dr. Tim Sullivan

Chiropractor Papillion NE Jessica Zortman


Jessica Zortman D.C.


At the age of 16, I randomly woke up one day with numbness and tingling in my ring and pinky fingers on both hands. To say I was scared would be a massive understatement! I was actively involved in cheerleading, dance, flags, band, choir, speech, theater, 4-H, Rainbow, and probably a few other activities.

In a small town, you seemed to be involved in everything or nothing. So to now be suddenly dealing with symptoms like this that were affecting my ability to compete, and even just being a regular kid, was very concerning.

I was also nervous to go to the doctor because of what I had witnessed occurring for a few years before this. You see, my grandmother had a massive heart attack when I was 10. While watching her go through her very long recovery and all of the other issues that followed, the one thing that really bothered me was the number of medications she was taking and the number just kept increasing. She would have a problem and there would be a new medication. This just didn't seem right to me and I was worried the doctor would just do the same thing for my symptoms - just throw some medication at it and never solve the problem.

However, my mother didn't take me to the family doctor, she took me to a chiropractor she had seen after she was involved in a car accident. After just one visit the tingling was gone! It did come back off and on, but as long as I got adjusted when I started to notice tightness in my upper back and shoulders, we were able to keep the tingling at bay. It seemed like a miracle that I had relief so quickly and barely missed out on any of my activities because of it.

Growing up I was always described as a caregiver. It always seemed natural to me. My mom had surgery, I helped her while she healed. After my grandmother's massive heart attack (she lived with us), I helped her when she came home from the hospital. During her lung cancer fight, my parents were both working and she hated taking the transportation to the cancer center for her radiation treatments. I had volunteered to take her since I was old enough to drive.

So as I grew up, I always knew I would do something in a healthcare field. But even after all of those experiences, for some reason, I still planned to become a medical doctor and even chose pre-med as my major.

But I quickly realized that I did not know if I could just hand my patients a piece of paper for prescription after prescription in hopes they would get better. It was while I was on break from school that I stopped in to see my chiropractor that I had been seeing since I was in high school. It was like visiting an old friend and catching up. The bonus was that the tightness and pain in my upper back was better after the short visit.

As I walked back to my parent's house, it dawned on me that this is what I want to do with my life. I want people to come and see me and leave immediately feeling better, all while feeling like they had just visited a friend. So after my undergraduate degree was complete, I enrolled in the Chiropractic program at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, Minnesota.

When I graduated, my fiancé was in Bellevue on active duty orders with the Air Force. We decided that Omaha was the perfect place for us to start the next chapter of our lives together and we have been here ever since.

I have been practicing chiropractic in Omaha since 2007 and have felt very blessed to have been able to care for members of this amazing community. My husband and I now have two amazing twin boys who have been adjusted since the second day of their life when they were in the NICU.

So if you or someone close to you is frustrated with their health or chronic pain, or if they are seeking answers to why nothing helps, tell them about Sarpy Chiropractic.

Chiropractor West Omaha NE Alesha Finkey Meet Team


Alesha Finkey D.C.

West Omaha

I was an invincible teenage athlete, or so I thought. But then debilitating weekly migraines showed up when I was in college and turned my life upside down! Sure, I'd had plenty of "normal" sporting injuries. And I'd always had good success working with an athletic trainer to resolve those.

But those migraines hit me like a truck, and that was a completely different ballgame. Thankfully, my parents had a strong view that health didn't come from a bottle of prescription medications, so between them and myself, we decided to give chiropractic a try to see if that could help.

And it didn't just help a little, it transformed my life. I was able to stop the migraines in their tracks with chiropractic care.

I still occasionally get them if I push too hard, but one or two chiropractic adjustments and I'm as good as new!

This amazing first experience with chiropractic transformed my life in more ways than just the relief from those debilitating migraines.

Growing up I always knew that health care was the route I wanted to pursue, but I was never sure of which avenue until I started seeing a chiropractor.

From the moment I walked in the door, it felt different than walking into a regular doctor's office. I watched as people left the office pain free and with smiles on their faces (not a common sight in a hospital setting).

That, combined with the relief I got for the first time from my own migraines set me on the best path I could have ever imagined.

After finishing my degree at Palmer College of Chiropractic, I went North to Wisconsin for my first job before coming back home to Nebraska. My Fiance and I moved to Omaha, where I found my home with Sarpy Chiropractic. The team and family mentality that each office brings makes every day exciting. I am thrilled to be a part of such an incredible organization.

I love caring for everyone, from athletes to those with everyday aches and pains, from moms growing a new life to the newborns trying to develop.

Chiropractic has transformed my life. And now I get to spend every day transforming the lives of others. I'm so blessed that I get to end needless suffering for so many people, just like my first chiropractor did for me!